Hilarious Letters

How Seating Charts Work
Dear smart student in my class,

I'm sorry I keep putting below average students next to you so they can cheat off your paper.

Sincerely, I have to raise the class average somehow...
Hilarious Letters

Dear Disney Cruise Line,

Using "Under the Sea" as your theme song is not reassuring.

Sincerely, anonymous.
Hilarious Letters

Dear drunk me,

What made you think that it was a good idea to cover yourself completely in glow-stick chemicals?

Sincerely, hung-over, glowing in the dark, and completely freaked out.
Hilarious Letters

Dear Noah,

We could have sworn you said the ark wasn't leaving till 5.

Sincerely, Unicorns
Hilarious Letters

Dear Boyfriend,

I can make your girlfriend scream louder than you can.

Sincerely, Spiders
Hilarious Letters

Dear Santa,

There are only two things on my list this year: a thin body and a fat bank account.

Sincerely, please don't mix these up like you did last year.
Hilarious Letters
Dear people who want to hear a joke,

Arnold Schwartzenegger has a long one, Bruce Lee has a small one, and Madonna doesn't have one. What is it?

Sincerely, a last name, silly.
Hilarious Letters

Dear Periodic Table,

I see you've forgotten about me.

Sincerely, The Element of Surprise...
Hilarious Letters

Dear cough syrup,

No. You do not taste like grape. You taste like death and tears of small children. Not grape.

Sincerely, Anonymous
Hilarious Letters

Dear Voldemort,

You are a lot like a teenage girl. You have a diary, a favorite ring and necklace, a tiara, a special cup, a pet you adore and an obsession with a teenage boy.

Sincerely, the World